Saturday 17 January 2009


My name is Kieran, I live in the UK and the purpose of this blog is to record my progress in becoming a healthier and happier person.

Of writing, I am 24 years old, a student at the University of Hull and when not in university I live in London with my fiancee and family.

For over 10 years I have been overweight and unhappy with myself. Today I have made a conscious decision to alter this. My excess weight has plagued me for too long and I have never had the confidence and self belief to handle this problem. I would often look at myself in the mirror and think, it would be impossible to shift this weight.

Currently I am approximately 40-50 lbs overweight.

This diary will record my food intake, amount of exercise, record my studying times and generally anything I consider to be an achievement, or something positive to assist me in reaching my end goals which are:

1. Health - lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol and general all round wellbeing.

2. Confidence - Very often I scared to do very normal things for fear of what others may think about me. Such as, eating in public, wearing t-shirts, public speaking and even talking to women.

3. Education - I need to perform better at university, I sometimes fall into a 'mini-depression' and cannot bring myself to read course material.

4. Self-image - I do not like the way I look, though I have very nice clothes, and good fashion sense an get regular conmpliments, I feel that my figure is too fat and need to create a more 'masculine' shape.

5. Discipline - I want to build in me an increase in self-discipline. This will help me in many areas, for my health and education goals in particular.

Goal Setting

Today I weigh 93.7 kilograms, and my waist is 112cm or 44inches.

By next week, I want to see a reduction in weight and by 2 weeks see a reduction in my waist size.

Ultimately, I want to weigh 65kg with a leaner torso.

I'll be back later with more details!
